Microsoft qutech delft

Microsoft and QuTech open Quantum Lab in Delft, the Netherlands As part of the collaboration, Microsoft will soon open its own lab on campus, Station Q Delft, to be led by Prof.
Microsoft and TU Delft are working in a joint laboratory on quantum technology A new Microsoft laboratory at the Delft University of Technology is the latest step towards making quantum computing a reality.
Microsoft’s new quantum computing lab in Delft opens its doors to a world of possibilities Within this high-quality laboratory, the technology giant and the Dutch technical university will work together on quantum technology to create special quantum bits qubits , the building blocks for quantum computing, in order to build a scalable quantum computer in the long term.
Collaboration Microsoft and TU Delft started - QuTech .
    Microsoft and TU Delft are working in a joint laboratory on quantum technology - Techzine Global Microsoft is al lang betrokken bij het quantumonderzoek in Delft en bij Qutech, de samenwerking tussen de TU Delft en TNO rondom quantumtechnologie. Zo werd de .
    Quantum computing is national project .
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  • Microsoft and QuTech open Quantum Lab in Delft, the Netherlands
  • Microsoft and QuTech open Quantum Lab in Delft, the Netherlands

  • microsoft qutech delft