Mirror debian
Debian Mirrors | Debian mirrors exist in many countries, and for some of them we have added a ftp. |
Debian Mirrors (worldwide) | Os espelhos do Debian existem em muitos países, e para alguns deles, adicionamos um alias ftp. |
Espelhos do Debian (mundiais) | Search for:. |
Debian worldwide mirror sites | . |
Mirror debian repository
Mirror debian 12
- Debian -- Debian Mirrors (worldwide) Becoming a mirror for Debian USB/CD/DVD images To become a Debian CD Image mirror site, you need a Linux or Unix-like machine with a permanent, reliable connection to the Internet. .
- Mirrors - Debian Search We currently have 88 mirrors updating from an upstream/master site, occupying TiB in 34M files and M directories.
- Debian -- Debian Mirrors Amazon CloudFront is a service for content delivery. This service is kindly hosted by and paid for by Amazon Services, and we thank them for their contribution to Debian. This .
- Debian Mirrors per Country Debian mirrors are servers that offer the same content as the official Debian site. You can find Debian packages, CD images, and old releases on hundreds of mirrors worldwide.