Trap frans

Trap franse eik

  • Their plan was to trap the men in the basement and call the police. Leur plan était de prendre ces hommes au piège dans le sous-sol et d’appeler la police. to catch an animal in a trap.
  • Trap frans
  • Trap franse vertaling

  • (m.) -pen (meerv.) Ben je van de trap gevallen? Bronnen: Diving dictionary; interglot; Download IATE, European Union, ; Wikipedia. Voorbeeldzinnen laden. Online .
  • Trap franse eik
  • Trap frans To access it, add this site to the exceptions or modify your security settings, then refresh this page.
    French translation of 'trap' When life gives you lemons… Fruit idioms.
    Trap franse vertaling When life gives you lemons… Fruit idioms.
    French Translation of “TRAP” | Collins English-French Dictionary .
  • Zojuist vertaald
  • Frans trap mechelen

  • See how “trap” is translated from English to French with more examples in context.
  • Trap franse vertaling
  • Ook in de database
  • Wordle Helper
    1. Trap - Vertaling Nederlands-Frans A trap is a device which is placed somewhere or a hole which is dug somewhere in order to catch animals or birds. Nathan's dog got caught in a trap. American English: trap / ˈtræp /.
      TRAP | traduire en français - Cambridge Dictionary Their plan was to trap the men in the basement and call the police. Leur plan était de prendre ces hommes au piège dans le sous-sol et d’appeler la police. (Traduction de trap depuis le .
      TRAP | translate English to French - Cambridge Dictionary Translation for 'trap' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations.
      Scrabble Tools Learn the translation for ‘trap’ in LEO’s ­English ⇔ French­ dictionary. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions free .

    Trap frans

  • De Franse trappen van vergelijking (degrés de comparaison) bestaan uit de positif (stellende trap), de comparatif (vergrotende trap) en de superlatif (overtreffende trap). Je kunt deze .
  • trap frans
  • Trap - Translation in LEO’s English ⇔ French Dictionary -